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Краснощёкова Елена ٭ News English ٭ ELENA KRASNOSHCHEKOVA. Exhibition "I


Gallery on Chistye Prudy presents an exhibition by Moscow artist Elena Krasnoshchekova. The exhibition presents about 80 works of the master in various genres. This is a favorite pointillism with impressionism, and works of the classical plan, as well as abstract works. Many of Elena's works are related to travel. According to her works, you can study the geography of the cities of the world, and from everywhere she brings beauty to her home. The artist is constantly developing, looking for new directions in his work. Elena Krasnoshchekova's creative palette is wide and diverse. Her "hand" is quite recognizable – what could be more valuable for the work of a real artist? The main thing in the works is the soul, the inner cosmos of a person.

The artist believes that life is a swirling universe, and this vital vortex in her canvases is not chaotic, but clearly organized and resembles a living cycle of nature. It is he who creates a unique, "dancing" rhythm of life, recreates the cosmos from chaos. It is he who gives birth to the culminating moments of being - periods of inspiration illuminated by light, when we understand ourselves most deeply. We convey this through our creativity.

Elena's works presented at the exhibition are part of a large project about the Cosmos of the Soul and are dedicated to her husband – Alexander Karpenko, poet, novelist, translator, cultural critic, TV presenter, author and singer of songs.

Дата: 07.12.2021 15:04 (Прочтено: 2206)
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[ 16.02.2025 01:33:33 ]